Riauan Consulting and Communication (RC-Communication Journal) is part of research assistant to make sure all research in the world to be published in journal.


  • Journal of Communication Management and Organization

    The Journal of Communication Management and Organization (JCMO) is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JCMO is a journal for research-oriented communication managers and professionals to develop or challenge practice in organization. 

    JCMO share knowledge for those who study communication management and those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles focus on strategic communication, public relations, organizational communication, corporate communication, marketing communication and related fields. 

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.

  • Proceeding of Aspikom International Communication Conference (Aiccon)

    Understanding sustainability means that to ensure that in managing all of our need by compromising the ability of future generations to fulfill their needs. We are thinking how to ensure to maintain or support a process continuously over time. In business and policy contexts, sustainability seeks to prevent the depletion of natural or physical resources, so that they will remain available for the long term.

    This proceeding contains communications studies relate to sustainability development toward human communication and computer mediated communication in digital Era 5.0. Many scholars contribute in this conference to give recommendation for sustainability in digital era by examine several issue in communication as discussion in sub topic of Tourism Culture, Politics and Government, Organization and Corporation, Enterpreneurship and business communication, Gender and Popular Culture, Health Communication, Digital Communication, and Development Communication.

    All of paper are presented at The 3rd Aspikom International Communication Conference (Aiccon) Grounding Communications for Sustainable Development Towards the Digital 5.0 Era that held in Pekanbaru, August 30th-31th, ASPIKOM Riau with RC-Communication, consider supporting the sustainability development in digital Era. We proudly present the proceeding of 3th Aiccon that collaborate with RC-Communication, Universitas Islam Riau, Universitas Riau, Universitas Abdurrab, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim as recommendation of this conference.

  • Journal of Social Media and Message

    Journal of Social Media and Message (JSMM) is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JSMM definitive as journal for research-oriented social media creator and message expert in communication researcher and professionals to develop or challenge practice in use of new media. 

    JSMM share knowledge between those who study new media and message in communication and those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to social media use, the message in new media, net-public opinion, social network analysis and data mining and related issue.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JSMM are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.

  • Journal of Intercultural Communication and Society

    Journal of Intercultural Communication and Society (JICS) published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JICS publishes qualitative and quantitative research that focuses on human simbolic activities, society activity, communication in society and cultural context, interrelationships between culture communication and society. Research data from a single nation/culture should focus on cultural factors and explore the theoretical or practical relevance of their findings from a cross-cultural perspective.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JICS are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by anonymous reviewers in a blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.

  • Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Human Capital

    Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Human Capital (JKPHC) merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan untuk memberikan wadah bagi akademisi maupun praktisi di bidang Komunikasi Pembangunan Human Capital. JKPHC terbit tiga kali dalam satu tahun Januari, Mei, dan September. Artikel yang diterima dalam jurnal ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.

  • Journal of Political Communication and Media

    JPCM: Journal of Political Communication and Media is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JPCM definitive as journal for research-oriented in political communication practice and theorities. 

    JPCM share knowledge between those who study in  political communication researchers, political actors  and professional those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to political communication, social movements, public opinion, political image, interest groups, effects of political communication, political advertising, lobbying, politics and media systems, politics and media practice.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JPCM are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.

  • Journal Research of Sports and Society

    JRSS: Journal Research of Sports and Society

    JRSS: Journal Research of Sports and Society is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JRSS definitive as journal for research-oriented in sport and society. It share knowledge between those who study sport science as professional or individual in community those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to sports science, physical activity in schools, communities, higher education, management of sports and sport performance.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JRSS are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.


  • Journal of Diplomacy and Communication

    JDC: Journal of Diplomacy and Communication is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JDC definitive as journal for research-oriented in diplomacy and communication practice and theorities. JDC share knowledge between those who study in  diplomacy communication and professional those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to development of diplomacy and economy, commercial diplomacy, export promotion, diplomacy and global communication. NGOs and diplomacy, refuge and immigrant studies in diplomacy, international trade and international communication.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JDC are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.

  • Journal of Discourse and Media Research

    JDMR: Journal of Discourse and Media Research is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JDMR definitive as journal for research-oriented in media discourse. JDMR share knowledge between those who study in  media and professional those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to discourse theories, study of representation, knowledge and ideology, media framing, effect of media, and new media.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JDMR are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.

  • The Journal of Management Communication and Organization

    JMCO Published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. This journal publishes quality articles for developing Communication Studies in the context of Public and Non-Public Organizational Communication. The published articles are the results of research in organizational communication, marketing communications, public relations, Government communications, corporate communications, advertising, branding, and crisis communication. Thus, the submitted articles will be reviewed for their originality and relevance according to the scope of the JMCO study. Starting in 2022, JMCO will be published regularly twice in 1 year, January-June and July-December.

  • Journal of Economic and Society

    JEC: Journal of Economic and Community is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JEC definitive as journal for research-oriented in Economic and Society as practice and theorities. JEC share knowledge between those who study in economic and society, or professional those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to economic policies; institutions and the macroeconomy; consumption; saving and investment; unemployment; formal and informal economy; industrialization; country studies; urban, rural, and regional studies; industrial policy; welfare; and poverty.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JEC are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

  • Journal of Goverment Studies

    JOGS: Journal of Government Studies is published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. JOGS definitive as journal for research-oriented in Government Studies practice and theorities. 

    JOGS share knowledge between those who study in  Government Science and professional those who practice it by publishing empirical research. Articles are closely linked to government studies, public policy, dynamic government, and collaboration Government, Information policies, government innovation and transformation, and transparent and accountable government.

    All manuscripts submitted for publication to the JOGS are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.

    We publish 2 times annually (June and December).

    Paper will be accepted in Indonesian and English language.