Self-Disclosure Relevant to the Development of Culture Tourism in Pecinan, Makassar City


  • Andi Atrianingsi Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, East Indonesian University
  • Hasrullah Hasrullah Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Hasanuddin Makassar
  • Andi Alimuddin Unde Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Hasanuddin Makassar
  • Muliadi Mau Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Hasanuddin Makassar


Self-disclosure, Self-concept, Attachment style, Culture tourism


The self-concept of ethnic Chinese and ethnic Bugis Makassar in self-disclosure activities in Makassar City is formed based on the perspective of the closest people and others in attachment style. As such, this study is to identify the extent of the self-disclosure and attachment style of ethnic Chinese and ethnic Bugis Makassar in the development of culture tourism in Pecinan, Makassar City. This research uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach, where the data collection is carried out through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentary studies relevant to Chinese-Makassar subculture research. Further, self disclosure activities found in this study is a prominent characteristics of ethnic Chinese and ethnic Bugis informants of Makassar, such as sociability, easy to cooperate, commitment, considering the treatment of people towards them, with styles of secure attachment, a combination of secure attachment and insecure attachment. Moreover, the combination of secure attachment style and insecure attachment style is characterized by a semi-open attitude in self-disclosure as shown by ethnic Chinese, while the style of secure attachment is characterized by an open attitude shown by the Bugis-Makassar ethnicity and these self-concepts and attachment styles relevant to development of culture tourism in Pecinan, Makassar City.

Author Biography

Andi Atrianingsi, Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, East Indonesian University

<em><strong><img src="" data-mce-src="" /></strong></em><em><strong>Journal of Intercultural Communication and Society (JICS)</strong></em> published by Riauan Consulting and Communication. <strong><em>JICS </em></strong>publishes qualitative and quantitative research that focuses on human simbolic activities, society activity, communication in society and cultural context, interrelationships between culture communication and society. Studies reporting data from within a single nation/culture should focus on cultural factors and explore the theoretical or practical relevance of their findings<br />from a cross-cultural perspective.All manuscripts submitted for publication to the <strong><em>JICS</em> </strong>are initially reviewed by the Editor for appropriate content and style. If approved by the Editor, manuscripts are then reviewed by two anonymous reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers are chosen by the Editor based on their expertise with a submitted manuscript’s topic, methodology, and research focus.




How to Cite

Atrianingsi, A., Hasrullah, H., Unde, A. A., & Mau, M. (2024). Self-Disclosure Relevant to the Development of Culture Tourism in Pecinan, Makassar City. AICCON, 1, 207–218. Retrieved from