Analisis Semiotika Tentang Representasi Disfungsi Keluarga Dalam Film Boyhood


  • Ludy Putra Anwar Universitas Islam Riau


The construction of reality that is shown in the course is more or less rooted in the reality that actually happens in society. This study aims to analyze the representation of family dysfunction in the Boyhood film. The research method used is by using Roland Barthes semiotics, namely researching the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth. Researchers analyzed 7 scenes containing scenes about family dysfunction. The results show that the representation of family dysfunction in the Boyhood film is a picture of several families that often occur in the reality of today's life which shows how both parents and children do not play their roles well. Authoritarian parents make children very closed. Violence committed by a father against his wife or child is an act that violates the norm. Apart from all that, love and affection in a family is a bridge to repair this dysfunction.


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How to Cite

Anwar, L. P. (2022). Analisis Semiotika Tentang Representasi Disfungsi Keluarga Dalam Film Boyhood. Journal of Discourse and Media Research, 1(01), 60–78. Retrieved from