Analisa Respon Masyarakat Dalam Pengimplementasian Scan Barcode Vaksin Covid-19 di Royal Plaza Surabaya
Response, Society, Vaccine BarcodeAbstract
The Covid-19 virus is a significant scourge today because everyone can be affected by this Covid-19 virus. All countries are battling this virus which has devastated the world economy. Everyone must work hard to prevent the spread of this virus. This virus is very detrimental to the people of Indonesia, and the most visible change is in the way people live in social relations. People are now very dependent on digital technology to establish social and economic relationships amid this pandemic called PSBB (large-scale social restrictions). It is not allowed to go to places that are crowded / with lots of people because it can be exposed to the covid-19 virus quickly. Therefore, many malls/shopping centres are closed because there are places where people gather. This makes me interested in raising the title of the research entitled "Analysis of the response of the Surabaya community in implementing the vaccine barcode scan for the requirements for entering the Surabaya mall (a case study of Royal Plaza Surabaya)".
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