Komunikasi Interpersonal Dalam Pembinaan Keterampilan Warga Binaan Kelas 2A Dewasa Kota Pekanbaru
Communication, Interpersonal, Coaching SkillsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze interpersonal communication between the Work Activities Section in fostering the skills of the inmates of Class 2A Adults in Pekanbaru City and the supporting and inhibiting factors. The research method used is qualitative. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. It was concluded that the communication carried out by the Work Activities Section to the inmates in the coaching process used verbal communication more often than nonverbal ones. Meanwhile, the communication shown by the inmates is more of nonverbal communication. The use of verbal messages by the coaches is not fully able to make the inmates provide information about themselves by telling them directly. The inhibiting factor of the coaching itself stands the limited number of coaches and the hours of supervision that are not up to 24 hours. In addition, the limited facilities and infrastructure available by the prison for coaching. The combination of the prison environment for the inmates and the coaching practice room makes the coaching less effective in the prison.
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